Key information

Environment Policy

Launceston Leisure Centre is very much aware of our environmental responsibilities and recognises that many of our activities provide an important opportunity to protect and improve the environment in which we work. LLC is focussed on managing and reducing the environmental impact of our business and that of our suppliers.

We therefore attribute a high priority to the development and use of materials, products, processes and services that seek to reduce the environmental damage and waste.

Improve Sustainability, Reduce Carbon Footprint, and Reduce Energy Consumption!

  • Re-cycling – plastics, cardboard, and paper using specific re-cycling bins
  • PV Panels on the roof of the Leisure Centre
  • Variable speed drives on pool water pumps and reduced power overnight
  • CP Unit – Combined Heat & Power Unit to reclaim energy
  • Summer and Winter temperature control settings
  • Use pool covers to reduce heat loss from the pool when not in use
  • UV Filtration – use of UV rays to kill water bacteria and reduce the level of chemicals required
  • Push taps, sensor lights, LED lighting, automatic front doors
  • Purchasing energy at the most cost-effective price by using an energy broker and using a flexible procurement process for purchasing gas
  • Purchasing and upgrading energy efficient plant and equipment where possible
  • Ensure that Environmental Management is incorporated into the staff induction process
  • Monitor the pattern of energy and water usage on a monthly basis
  • Promote our environmental initiatives to our customers
  • Keep abreast of new energy efficient technologies and processes, using these whenever possible.

We aim to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions
  • Increase employee awareness and training.

This first draft policy was written in March 2023.